How do I set up my charts like Equity Story?
Looking to set up your charts just like Equity Story do? All the detail is included in the video below including: changing the chart display changing the colour scheme displaying news and dividend markers setting the time frame selecting the chart ...
How do I add Equity Story Watchlists?
In order to load up an Equity Story watchlist, you will need to be subscribed to FocusPro, which you can do through the ‘My Details’ tab in the top right hand side of the screen or by following the instructions here. Make sure that the Equity Story ...
Sophisticated Investor/Wholesale Client
Who/what is Sophisticated Investor/Wholesale Client? A Sophisticated Investor/Wholesale Client is a person/entity with a certificate from a qualified accountant confirming that they meet prescribed financial criteria specified in the Corporations ...
Why are the Cboe orders sitting above the ASX orders?
Sometimes you will notice that orders that were placed after yours, will enter the full depth (Cboe data & ASX data) above you, at the same price. Often, they will transact before you, even though they were placed after your order. This is all due to ...
Self-curated Media Content
We've introduced a Market Media Panel which provides live updated media content from third-party producers of market related news and information. The Media section includes daily articles and videos from ShareCafe, podcasts from Marcus Today and ...
Stock Statuses
Price auction is currently underway News for this company has been released today Price-sensitive news for this company has been released today The company is present in a watchlist A price-sensitive announcement will be, or has been, released to the ...
Daily Trading Limits
In accordance with the Openmarkets Client Agreement (see section B22.Trading rules), all trading accounts setup through Marketech have a default daily trading limit of $150,000 (net). This limit includes both open orders and executed trades, and is ...
Order confirmations
For those who want a more streamlined order placement process, order confirmations can now be turned off. It is important to note that the order confirmation screen is included in the order placement workflow as protection against the placement of ...
Make, and save, notes about the companies you are watching using the Notes section at the bottom of the Company Information panel, as indicated below. Don't forget, you can reorder the sections by dragging them to where you would like them. Firstly, ...
Order destinations including 'Dark' Markets
Dark markets/pools are execution venues that are not transparent (ie `in the dark’) until a trade occurs. Unlike the `lit’ market where you can see the bids and offers for a stock before you trade, dark pools publish no information ahead of a trade. ...
Order status
The Portfolio panel on the left side of the screen provides: a Summary view at the top of the screen; followed by a list of stocks in your Portfolio; followed by a list of current orders. To view the Status of the order/s click on the details icon in ...
Getting the most out of the Portfolio view
The left panel of your Focus screen is the Portfolio panel. Here you can find all things related to your share holdings and transactions, your cash, and your orders. Due to popular demand, we introduced the daily change feature. As indicated below, ...
How is brokerage charged on my order?
Brokerage is charged, by Openmarkets, at the advertised rate at the time the order is transacted. At the time of publication, that rate is $5.00 or 0.02%. For current schedule of fees, including brokerage, please refer to our Financial Services Guide ...
Why has my order been cancelled?
Orders may be cancelled, purged or expired for a number of reasons, the most common of which are described below: ASX market rules and regulations We (Marketech) trade and settle through Openmarkets as the ASX Trading and Settlement Participant. Both ...
Option of full Cboe/ASX market.
The majority of market transactions are completed on the ASX, and the ‘price’ of a stock is normally based on the ASX market. But there is another market, Australia’s second largest ASIC-regulated stock exchange, called Cboe (previously called Chi-X) ...
Market trading hours
The market goes through a number of phases on any trading day. The particular market phase determines the type of action that may be taken for an order on ASX Trade, which in turn affects how trading is conducted. PRE-OPENING PHASE Pre-opening takes ...
Can I trade ETFs?
Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are a low-cost way to earn a return similar to an index or a commodity. They can also help to diversify your investments. You can buy and sell units in ETFs through Focus, the same way you buy and sell shares. How ETFs ...
Why can’t I see the market order that I just placed?
If you just placed a market order and you can’t find it on your latest activity, it is likely to have traded on Cboe. Be sure to check your Trading History, however please contact us urgently if you are unsure. To check your Trading History, click ...
Why can’t I see all the orders in the depth?
Around 80% of market transactions in Australia are conducted on Australia’s largest ASIC-regulated stock exchange, the ASX. By default, the Marketech Focus platform shows ASX and NSX data only and the ASX is the default destination for limit orders ...
What is Closing Single Price Auction (CSPA)?
The Closing Single Price Auction is when the Integrated Trading System (ITS) matches off all orders where only overlapping buy and sell orders are executed. After the market closes at 4pm AEST, it goes into the 'matching phase' before the CSPA occurs ...
What is Cboe (formerly Chi-X)?
Cboe Australia Pty Limited (' Cboe ' - formerly Chi-X) is Australia’s second largest ASIC-regulated stock exchange. It is an alternative trading venue to the ASX. Continuous trading hours for Cboe are between 10:00am EST and 4:13pm EST, Monday to ...
How do I amend the cost base?
For stock that has been transferred in from another broker, or from SRN, it is possible to amend the cost base manually. Click the icon at the top left of the screen. This is divided into 3 section. Your portfolio Summary at the top, which includes ...
Can I buy stocks on margin?
If you have an existing Margin Lending facility we may be able to connect your trading account to it. Please contact us at with details of your margin facility and we will gladly explore further for you.
Can I trade options?
Listed company options can be traded and come through the standard ASX data feed on our platform. Not all listed companies offer options. Those that do can be distinguished by the 'O' added on to the stock ticker. Example: MHC is the regular ...
Is the practice account accurate?
The practice account doesn't always exactly simulate the live market, all the time. We have designed the practice account for you to get a feel for the functions/features of, and familiarise yourself with, our Focus platform, rather than looking to ...
How do I place a trade?
Placing trades with Marketech is easy! Watch a quick walk-through with sound here on how to place trades. How to make a trade 1. Select the correct account Click on the icon in the top left-hand side of the screen to bring up the portfolio summary ...
What happens to the position of my order in the queue if I modify the volume?
For an order where the volume is amended upwards, it will lose its priority in the depth queue ie it will drop to the bottom of the queue at that price step. We recommend that you place an additional order if priority is important.
What time does a ‘day-only order’ get purged
Day-only orders get purged daily at 18.50AEST
Corporate actions
Corporate actions, such as placements, rights issues, mergers, stock splits and dividends do not involve Marketech. The company and share registry will notify shareholders and send documentation detailing corporate actions and how to participate to ...
What is the paper trader account?
Marketech has included a practice account (paper trader) for you to use with the platform. This will give you an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the features of our platform and buy and sell shares before you set up your own account. We ...
How do I use Marketech Focus?
Watch a quick walk-through here or follow the steps as per below. How can I view my portfolio? Click the icon at the top left of the screen, enter your PIN and your portfolio will drop down. Where do I find the technical indicators? Click on ...
Trading icons
Within the Marketech Focus platform you will see a number of different icons next to the chosen stock’s price. The pre market/closing single price auction. The company has released news. The company has released news that is deemed ...
When will I receive the proceeds from the sale of my shares?
Proceeds from the sale of a stock or listed security are settled and transferred directly into your linked Macquarie CMA on T+2 (trade date plus two trading days). However, sale proceeds are immediately included in the calculation of funds available ...
When will I receive my shares?
Settlement of shares purchased occurs automatically two business days after a trade takes place. This time frame is commonly referred to as T+2.
Are shares purchased through Marketech CHESS sponsored?
Yes, all shares bought through Marketech are CHESS sponsored in your account name.
Do I need to have funds in my Macquarie CMA before I place an order?
Funds must be available in your Macquarie CMA before placing a BUY order as the order will not execute if there are insufficient funds. For funds to be available to trade, they should be available in your Macquarie CMA, as cleared funds, by close of ...
What is the difference between a "market" and "limit" order?
There are two fundamental execution options when buying or selling shares, you can place the order at market or at limit. Market Orders: These transactions will usually execute as quickly as possible at the current market price ie a SELL order will ...
Is the data in your Fundamentals correct?
The fundamental data is supplied by a third-party data supplier and should be used as a guide only. It should not be relied upon in your investment decision and you may find the latest data in the company’s announcements or annual reports.
Can I have more than one watchlist?
FocusPro subscribers have access to unlimited watchlists with unlimited stocks. FocusPlus users have 1 x 10 stock watchlist. FocusLite users have 1 x 5 stock watchlist.
Can I place conditional orders on Marketech Focus?
Conditional orders are those which will only be placed in the market if/when certain price criteria (Trigger Price) are met. We offer Conditional Orders (including Conditional/Stop Orders and Trailing Stop Orders) for FocusPro subscribers only. While ...
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