When you place your order in the Focus platform, it goes straight into the Iress ASX-Best order router at Openmarkets, via their secure APIs.
It should show up in the market before you can move your eyes from the order ticket to the depth!
Sometimes your order may be reviewed by a person at Oepnmarkets, as they have to review any orders that may breach the ASX market rules, but that doesn’t take very long - and is usually done just to protect you and to maintain the order of the markets. Rest of the time, straight through in the blink of an eye!
You can check every order in your trading history to see how long it took, and whether it transacted in the ASX or CBOE centrepoints before checking the CBOE market and then the ASX market - for the absolute best price.
Under normal circumstances these orders will transact in a fraction of a second.
If you want to amend an order you can just drag the order up and down on the chart, rather than having to reopen the order ticket, and to ‘sell all at market’ takes only a few clicks of the mouse (or taps of the screen on a mobile).
And we will continue to look for improvements we can make to the function and the order ticket design itself, offering different options for different users.
Marketech Focus - Fast to trade, fast to market!