How can I view my portfolio and trading history?
You can easily download a CSV or PDF file of your Portfolio Valuation, Trading History or Cash Transactions from within the platform.
Simply follow these steps:
- Click the
icon at the top left of the screen.
- This opens the Portfolio tab on the left side of the screen. This tab includes a Summary including cash and stock balances, your Portfolio and your pending Orders.
- Enter your PIN and your Portfolio will open.
Trading History or Portfolio Valuation
In the Portfolio section, click the
Here you will find your Trading History. At the top right of this pop up, there are 3 icons
will allow you to filter your trading history by date and/or by stock code.
will allow you to export your Portfolio Information, including a Trading History and/or your Portfolio Valuation to a CSV or PDF file. Simply click the drop-down arrow to select the relevant report.
For your Trading History, select the time frame, the order in which you would like to see the transactions, and the file type (CSV or PDF) and then click Export.
For your Portfolio Valuation, select the as at date and the file type (CSV or PDF) and then click Export.
will allow you to auto-sync your trading history to Sharesight (if you have a Sharesight account linked).
Order History
Contract notes
notes are emailed on the day of the transaction. Unfortunately, you are not able to access a
pdf copy of the contract note from the Focus platform.
If you require a
copy of a specific transaction, please contact
with details of the
transaction to request a copy to be re-sent to you.
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